We’ve put together a list of commonly asked questions relating to Memorial Matters in order to help our customers create on-line Memorial sites to their loved ones that they will be totally happy with.
We hope the following answers will help you. However, if you are unable to find the answers here that you are seeking please feel free to contact us via e-mail at [email protected] or write to:
Memorial Matters Inc.
720 King Street West,
Suite # 420
Toronto, Ontario M5V 3S5
> “What is an on-line Memorial site?"
> "What are the special features that Memorial Matters offers me?"
> "Who are Memorial Matters Incorporated?"
> "What does it cost to create a Memorial site and how would I pay you for it?"
> "If I'm not happy can I cancel or get my money back?"
> "How do I create a Memorial site?"
> "How long does it take to create a Memorial site?"
> "Will I be able to change what I have put on a Memorial site that I have created?"
> "I know that there are free Memorial site options on the Internet, or I myself could build a memorial to my loved one – so why shouldn’t I use one of these possibilities?"
> "Is my Memorial site private?"
> "How many photos may I upload?"
> "What is a ‘Video Link’?"
> "Can I print out my Memorial on paper?"
> "What are ‘Virtual Candles and Flowers’?"
> "What is a ‘Memory Book’?"
> "How will people be able to view the Memorial site that I create on-line?"
> "What can I and the management of Memorial Matters do if someone writes something inappropriate or uploads and/or attaches inappropriate content?"
"What is an on-line Memorial site?"
Memorial Matters’ on-line Memorial Websites are self-directed and self-contained, private places where the bereaved can build lasting memorials to their loved ones. This can be done by following a number of very easy steps which we explain clearly. Please click Create a Memorial if you would like to create your memorial now.

"What are the special features that Memorial Matters offers me?"
Memorial Matters offers a selection of 50 professionally designed templates that users are able to select from when constructing their Memorial to a loved one.
Once you have set up your Memorial site you will be able to incorporate on it photographs, text, scanned-in documents, and even include video links that you can share with your family and friends. They in their turn will also be able to "upload" content and in this way share their special memories of your loved one. We also offer the opportunity for you and your family and friends to place virtual flowers and candles, with soothing background music playing.

"Who are Memorial Matters Incorporated?"
Memorial Matters Inc. is an on-line memorial company based in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you would like to learn more about the people associated with the company please click on About

"What does it cost to create a Memorial site and how would I pay you for it?"
We offer a free 14 day trial period in which you may create and use a Memorial site.
We are sure you will be pleased with the resulting unique Memorial you have created. If so, we offer different payment options using Pay Pal, or your credit card, if you wish your Memorial to remain on-line. The Payment Options you can choose from are:
US$4.95 per month
US$49.95 per year
US$95.95 for a permanent memorial
There is no advertising on Memorial Matters, so that is why we charge a small hosting fee to cover site maintenance, development and administration costs.

"If I'm not happy can I cancel or get my money back?"
The team at Memorial Matters hopes you will be very pleased with the Memorial Website that you create for your loved one.
However, we do offer a full 30 days money back guarantee. So if you are not happy we will be very glad to refund your full payment. Please just contact us at [email protected] on our Website.
In the unlikely event that you do decide to cancel we would appreciate your feedback if possible to help us improve our Website.

"How do I create a Memorial site?"
Creating a Memorial site and then sharing it with friends and family is easy. To see how it is done please click on how it works and on take a tour of our Website.

"How long does it take to create a Memorial site?"
We’ve made it really easy for you to set up a Memorial site…it takes only a small number of steps and a few minutes to construct – and then you, your friends and family can add a variety of content, including photographs, reminiscences, and even virtual candles and flowers, if you agree. Please click on how it works or take a tour to see the varied and imaginative types of contents that can go into your Memorial.

"Will I be able to change what I have put on a Memorial site that I have created?"
Yes – once you have created a Memorial Website, you will be able to switch to, or refresh it with, a new template (from the very varied selection of 50 that we provide). You will also be able to switch to a new music track (from the 12 we provide).
One great feature of Memorial Matters' Website is that you are able to edit and delete content that other users have uploaded to your loved one's Memorial. All of this is done through the ‘admin’ feature of our site which you enter when you sign in using your login details.
Please be assured that you are the manager of your Memorial at all times. The team at Memorial Matters are ready to help you if you ever have any difficulties.

"I know that there are free Memorial site options on the Internet, or I myself could build a memorial to my loved one – so why shouldn’t I use one of these possibilities?"
We think that Memorial Matters represents great value for money. Memorial Matters offers a selection of 50 professionally designed templates that users are able to select from when constructing their Memorial to a loved one.
Once you have set up your Memorial site you will be able to incorporate on it photographs, text, scanned-in documents, and even include video links that you can share with your family and friends. They in their turn will also be able to "upload" content and in this way share their special memories of your loved one. We also offer the opportunity for you and your family and friends to place virtual flowers and candles, with soothing background music playing.
There is no advertising on our site so that is why we charge a hosting fee to cover site maintenance, development and administration costs. Please click on Memorial Matters homepage for examples of some memorials to loved ones to see the great range of possibilities we offer.

"Is my Memorial site private?"
Yes, it certainly can be. When you set up a Memorial site we ask you if you want your site to be accessible freely to your family and friends or if you want to restrict access through our login system.
Please feel free to read our Privacy Policy which will tell you how to achieve the level of privacy you will be most comfortable with. It is of the utmost importance to us at Memorial Matters that you are completely happy at all times with the level of privacy you have.

"How many photos may I upload?"
At the moment, for each Memorial site a total of 100 photos may be uploaded for viewing.

"What is a ‘Video Link’?"
A Video Link is a link to a YouTube video perhaps of your loved one that you and your family like and wish to show on your Memorial site. You are able to add as many video links as you like.

"Can I print out my Memorial on paper?"
You will be able to print out on paper the text contents of your Memorial as a keepsake or to give to someone to read. You just need to click on ‘Print Memorial Text’ which is found on the Memorial Site.
You can also print out or save the photographic content on the Memorial site by right clicking on your mouse and selection “save image as” (for PC users).

"What are ‘Virtual Candles’ and 'Flowers’?"
Virtual Candles and Flowers allow you to pay traditional respects to a loved one on-line. This can be done at any special times such as at the initial bereavement and then at other meaningful future times such as anniversaries.
The virtual candles and flowers can be placed on your Memorial by you and your family and friends at any time and from any place. Messages can be left as well. For some charming examples of what these tributes look like please click on our home page.

"What is a ‘Memory Book’?"
A Memory Book is the place where you can capture and preserve interesting stories and memories of your loved one to share with others to-day and to record for future generations.

"How will people be able to view the Memorial site that I create on-line?"
You can invite your family and friends to view your actual Memorial site on-line via e-mail or alternatively during the start-up process of designing the Memorial (again, via email). Also, if your Memorial site has open access you can send your family and friends the URL from the browser by cutting and pasting it into an e-mail.

"What can I and the management of Memorial Matters do if someone writes something inappropriate or uploads and/or attaches inappropriate content?"
As the Memorial's site manager you are able to delete content at any time if you wish. However, if you would prefer it you can e-mail us full details at [email protected] and we will be pleased to delete any content that you ask us to. We have strict terms of use for users of our Website that users are required to adhere to.